I had my Randar RA-601REF as my host
Samsung 26F protected cell
XM-L2 U2 dedomed on stock aluminum pill (will swap to copper when I have time)
Changed the wires to some thick gauge powercord wires
BLF A6 driver on high I get 3.2A max
Direct bypass 5.8A (tripped the protection a few times and LED starts to shift tint every 2 sec)
This makes me question if the FET is really direct drive or it is only up to certain amount of amps? I’ve seen some rated at like 4 amp max or something but I’m not sure.
It definitely made my light toasty hot within seconds though
Basically bypassed everything. I’m guessing fet is enough a resistor to protect LEDs. Kinda burned 3 xml2 chips due to overdriving it even when it is bolted on noctigons to solid pills.
With the fet driver installed, you did bypass the springs? Most of the resistance will be in the springs. The driver itself also has a little bit resistance but mostly not enough te really notice it.
Are you sure that you where in the high/turbo mode?
FET drivers are a compromise between true direct drive and having modes so there is some added resistance from the FET though it should be single digit milliohms.
Pretty sure my spring bypass is able to handle at least 16 amps judging from the power cable used
Pretty sure I’m in turbo as I’ve been using blf a6 driver for 4 months
Voltage was about 4v before it starts to blue and 3.2v when it gets really blue
Battery was constantly above 3.8v most of the tests
Pretty sure I’m in FET constant driver as there is no pwm
Banggood driver. My modes change properly unless when it gets heated up to handwarmer temperature
Well I’ve reached 3.8 amps once with a triple nichia 219c with this same driver but not on single XML2