I ask this in a thread, I thought it might make a good reference if it had its own thread.
Has anyone ever seen a comparison discharge graph between duraloop and a eneloop in the same graph. I searched for awhile and didn’t find anything. I can find a eneloop graph, but not a duraloop graph. If someone knows where one is, could you please link it. I would love to see HKJ do a comparison graph. I would test them myself but I don’t own any oem eneloop’s.
You should put a question mark in the subject… I thought you were going to show the comparison here, and got all excited :)…
I too got excited when I seen someone had replied to this thread. :bigsmile:
Might be difficult comparing apples to apples though. Would need one person to have both types and know their date of manufacture. Then there are all of those different “gen” eneloops. Are those really different versions (improvements?) of eneloops, or is it just marketing hype combined with different colour wrappers?
In my local supermarket they now have Panasonic white top LSD, 1900mAh.
A bump for maybe some fresh eyes.
To me the main benefit of eneloop is the LSD, knowing that they will have at least 70% charge in board when you pick up a light in a hurry, or anything else’s that uses AA.
In fact I’m in the process of changing all my older NiMh to Eneloop.