Diving flashlights (Banggood)
Interesting (in my opinion) new diving flashlight Litwod XHP70.2
Price $16.72 (without battery and charger)
Trusting cheap lights from no name brands that use counterfeit LEDs for diving… what could go wrong in that combination :person_facepalming:
Maybe ok for heavy rain storm.
Trusting cheap lights from no name brands that use counterfeit LEDs for diving… what could go wrong in that combination :person_facepalming:
I have a "noname" flashlight Solarstorm D01 XML2 with a very similar (plastic) body.
Withstood 30-40 dives (last time in October 2020) and works great.
(Ignore the rusty screws on the switch, I somehow forgot to desalinate it).
Regarding the flashlight that made you ironic.
The aluminum case and the XHP70.2 LED are declared (although there are doubts about its authenticity).
Perhaps I'll order it for comparison. )))
You got a ‘good one’ The solarstorm I got that looked similar was a complete POS.
That switch WILL rust out…completely, guarantee it.
An XHP70.2 at mass quantities costs around $5 from what I can tell, then you need a boost driver to power it, a host, a mcpcb to reflow it on, etc, not to mention waterproofing it to make it a dive light. What profits can they possibly have selling it for $16?
The picture of the LED doesn’t look confidence in its authenticity either.
I absolutely understand what you are concerned about. Divers, real actual scuba divers, have their visual spectrum so screwed up by water absorption with increasing depth that color rendering is not a high priority. Simply being able to see in the dark is what counts.
In tropical areas, with relative clear water, the criteria is significantly different from low visibility areas, like where I live.
(Note - photographers are a totally separate topic of discussion. CRI for them is not trivial.)
What we DO care about, a LOT, is the damn thing does NOT LEAK. THAT is the #1 priority. Everything after that is negotiable, not trivial, but if you light floods > it’s garbage.
That switch WILL rust out…completely, guarantee it.
It's just a magnet and a spring-loaded button. Sensor inside the body.
I know that sea water destroys magnets, but my button is still intact.
There were no leaks.
I bought D01 in 2016. )))
Unless they changed the spring, that will be eaten away.
Diving flashlights in Sofirn Official Store on AliExpress