DIY welder idea using a microwave

Just found this and thought I’d share:

Most people will probably have it easy to find an old microwave. And this should be useful for people building their own battery pack. Anybody wanna give it a try and report? :slight_smile:


That dude is insane! But I like his ideas.. some cool stuff hes got.


That is really crazy and dangerous and did I mention I want one? ;)

When I saw the title of the post I instantly thought of Scaru!I wonder why that could be? :slight_smile:

I wonder whether it could actually work for welding tabs onto batteries. :evil:

I’ll let you give that a try and inform us how it goes!It’s funny that I have an old broken microwave at work right now…my wife just saw the video and already said “no way your trying that!”My son thought it was cool though!

The vault in my local pub is named after a guy that messed with a Microwave.Killed him.He had it unplugged and it hadnt been used for days.Dangerous stuff.Be carefull folks.


That sort of welder is rather rude and crude and not really suited for making proper welds.

My welder:

A very good CD welder development blog (occasionally down for updating):

I have been putting off making a jacob’s ladder out of a few microwaves I have laying around. So many projects to do.

wow that’s awesome

I made a jacobs ladder out of two microwave transformers back to back in anti-parallel to double to volts, but took it apart as i thought it too dangerous in its naked exposed state. The noise was just insane! as was the power consumption.

That's a show of raw power,crazy what it can do.Most of the accidents that happen with microwaves usually involve a faliure to discharge the capacitor inside.Great power demands great respect.I love the jacob's ladder effect too and some of these guys make some cool stuff out of ordinary things.