I want to gift away a 18650 flashlight to a person which got a wp2 last year….
I have a brand new pair of protected ncrbs which just got 3 cycles in my hobbycharger….
The question is will he be happy with this combination? HKJ lists the wp2 as 69.5 and the cells as 70.5mm….
I know these dent a bit and then still work fine but would this be suitable for a gift?
Anyone here with a wp2 could you please give me advice.
I also have some xtar2600 laying around but they are not new and a bit abused…
Just measured my cells: the protected I have are about 70mm long and in your review you state that 69.5mm will fit in the wp2. Does this mean you have only tested 69.5mm long cells or that the wp2 accepts maximal length of 69.5?
When I ordered a pair of protected pannies recently, I asked this question myself.
I found a post @TLF where a member has loaded his pannies with the WP2II, so I hope they’ll fit.
I can’t give you any first hand experiences, as my ordered batteries didn’t arrived yet.
Panasonic 3100 barely went in when new. After a while the cells got squished a bit and the base got dented, and now they fit flush in the charger, just! Xtar 2600 are an even tighter fit, and seem to squash less with age than Panasonic 3100. Solarforce 2400 went in fine from new.
If the cells seem too long or are uncomfortably tight, I put them in the charger at an angle.
Just tried Trustfire flames 2400 from DX, Keeppower Panasonic 3100 and 3400 from Kumabear, Panasonic 3100 and 3400 from Wallbuys, Samsung 2600 from Banggood, Sanyo 2800z? from Fasttech. They are all protected and not bent, all fit and all were tight except Keeppower and Trustfire. Tight but easily pushed in with little force, maybe .5mm short.