99% of the time. I don’t even turn on my laptop any more.
Also, please, for the love of flashlights, don’t give me two popups every time I come to this site letting me know that you have tapatalk. I HATE that shiz.
If you ever read a post of mine that has “if” instead of “of”, you’ll know that my chubbies are pecking away at keys 1/4 their size. I’d love to get something with a larger screen but haven’t done it yet.
i get bit instead of but all the time. and.periods.instead.of.spaces. and proper capitalization of letters like I and Names… and zombies instead of zoomies
I just have a PC, no wireless stuff or carry around electronics. My phone is an old flip phone. I'm not technology orientated. Hell, I can't type on a regular keyboard yet.
I often browse on my Samsung Galaxy Nexus. It’s a 4” screen, so it’s still much smaller than a tablet, but larger than most phones. Pretty good really.
I adore keyboards with mechanical keys. I’ve been eyeing a DasKeyboard for a while.