before i left them a rude message and made my exit at cpf i noticed a thread about surefire being sold at walmart…apparently walmart is looking for someone to liaison between walmart and surefire and the wonderful people at cpf are just hacked off to hell that surefire is thinking about doing business with walmart…
two things…
one…the supreme court ruled years ago that the business of business is business
…surefire sells flashlights…walmart is the number one retail store in the u.s….makes sense to me…
two…the other complaint seems to be that surefire is lowering is brand by selling at walmart…if that is the case i guess that surefire needs to stop selling its lights on amazon and at lowes because amazon and lowes have cheap chinese flashlights…
Personally I wouldn’t care if they where sold at my local dollar tree store, I wouldn’t buy one anyway. But for someone that thinks surefire is the holly grail of flashlights, I could see how they may not like it.
Surefire has the right to have their lights sold where ever they like, whether I like it or not.
Well the way I looked at it; they’re going to need to produce greater quantities, faster, and cheaper. This will either raise cost, or lower quality. Dealing with a huge company that is pretty solid with the idea of “low prices” might lean towards lower quality thus “ruining” the brand.
I didn’t really pay attention in marketing classes, so I may be way off.
What if they just finally found the retailer that can make them more successful?
If you make the best of something do you want to be shut out of the market place, or to find a way to enter it, to grow, to succeed, to spread and get it into as many hands as possible?
Do you think that a business simply finds a niche, and then is safe forever and that the owner and employees and engineers and designers are happy forever, because you bought a light that you like, or that you like where they were in 1998, or 2003, or 2009?
With all the other great lights out their competing, there was a reason they decide to let wallmart sell them.
They needed or wanted more lights sold.
Maglite has been sold there and many other stores for years. Has the quality of a Maglite changed, not that I can tell. Maybe a little behind in technology but still a rugged quality built light.
i dumped on cpf because they go out of their way to make people feel unwelcome…they are nothing but shills for their sponsors and any criticism of their products is not acceptable…
this is the thread…i hope the link works…
it felt like a rude place the first time i went there and my second comment was the last comment i made…
I think they will have to cheapen out the products to sell at walmart, a few years back i read about a lawnmower company that said no to walmart because walmart wanted lower prices and even suggested making a cheaper line for sale at walmart, but the lawnmower manufacturer was not willing to reduce quality in order to get their products into walmart stores.
If surefire does the same thing then they are not very bright (pun intended), but if they sell their regular products and resist walmarts strong arm tactics to reduce quality (price) then more power to them
Just my opinion but SF are way over priced due to fat military contracts they landed. If someone can bring there feet back to earth. More power to them.
One of the things everyone should be aware of is that when you buy a product at Wal-mart it isn’t always going to be the same product you would get at another store. It can have the same description and even be named the same and have cheaper “guts” if you know what I mean. They demand that their suppliers sell to them lower than they do anyone else and they don’t care if that means the supplier makes a cheaper model and leaves the model number the same. So buyer beware.
How much this hurts the supplier is anyone’s guess. I suppose it depends on the product. If the majority of their customer base is buying their products expecting top on the line and then gets a cheap knockoff from the company themselves they might stop buying from them even if they still got a decent deal.
Let’s say you get a $100 light for $75 but you were expecting a $150 light. Are you going to be happy that you saved money or ticked that you didn’t get the quality you expected? The average customer probably won’t know the difference anyway, but their old customers will.
No need to. I used to see Surefire differently. But somehow it hooked up with CPF. Then that really changed my view. Don’t know who’s relying on whom now. It can’t get any worse.