Do you see what I see?

I was snooping around at a Klarus website and saw this pic:

instantly, something caught my attention:

Is there some relationship between Sysmax and Klarus or they just obtaining their emitters from same manufacturer?
and if so, are this emitter “stars” available in free sale, can I buy them?

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@ Flomotion - I don’t think they are claiming that it is an XM-L2.

It’s advertised as XM-L U2 for the Klarus and T6 for the Jetbeam.

Sirius9 is talking about the shape of the MCPCB

Flomotion, I think you missed the point, you might want to reread the post. :slight_smile:

I think he just posted his reply in wrong topic :smiley:

I was referring to absolutely identical emitter pads!

Sysmax is no longer affiliated with Jetbeam. Most likely a case of just using the same MCPCB manufacturer. My Fenix TK12 has a similar shape MCPCB but is bigger size.

But the real thing is, it’s probably photoshopped image. The Klarus image has artifacts on the MCPCB in the same area that Jetbeam’s name used to be.