does blf a6 tail switch spring and fet driver fits convoy c8 clear new version?

I just want to upgrade my convoy c8 clear version but I’m really sucked at soldering, heres the link of the spring UNIVERSAL BLF A6 LED Flashlight Tail Switch price from jumia in Kenya - Yaoota!

For the spring, you can just replace it yes. Just remove the retaining ring(the ring holding the tailswitch), and put the new one in.

For the driver, here it is:

It is going to be harder to replace, since you will have to unsolder the black and red wires when removing the driver from the retaining ring.

Otherwise, it is a nice swap that will get you a boost in brightness and a different user interface.

ok sir tnx for the reply so blf a6 tail cap and convoy c8 is just the same size? but the blf a6 spring are designed for higher current? I’m not gonna do the job for that, I’m scared that I’ll ruin my flashlight I just gonna send it to the local technician and pay him 1 dollar

The BLF A6 spring can handle higher current since it has 2x springs. So if you can swap it with the driver I linked from Banggood, you will get higher power, and more lumens :slight_smile:

And yes, the tailcap board with the spring is the same size as the C8 , so the technician can just remove the retaining ring and swap it directly without any trouble :slight_smile:

last question sir what is the rotation of the retainer? same as the driver retainer hehehe, I hate scratching things