Does this driver exist?

I’m looking for a driver that can handle to voltage of 1 18650 or 2 cr123s. My goal is to build a light that can use either battery combination. The problem is that I also want it to have multiple modes. Does this driver exist? I looked at several sites and found a couple but they only had one mode or the description stated that is wasn’t current regulated.

im sure theres more from other suppliers, but thats an idea. im not sure what size driver you need or how deep the pill is… but that should give you an idea of the voltage range needed for 1 or 2 cell drivers

Thanks for the reply. I hadn’t looked at that site yet. I like this one but need a 17 mm driver. I’ll keep looking.

I read somewhere that a board with the an ATTiny13 chip might be able to handle 6v but 2 cr123s will go beyond that so I’m not sure i want to try that.

You can try cnq, fasttech, dx might have something… I’ll search a lil more when I get home for ya. May even be worth buying a whole p60 dropin from say solarforceor somewhere else?
What will this be going in?

Which LED do you plan to use with it?

Doesn’t two cr123’s = 6v? If so your just on the upper limit of a nanjg driver - Amc7135’s can take 6v max. Might be worth some research, you’ll struggle to find a 17mm 8.4v driver if that’s what you need. Amc’s will run hot at 6v though, consider that with regards to host, and I hope someone who knows what their talking about chimes in….

Exactly, that’s what frustrated me about AMC drivers. They just waste quite a bit of the energy that lithium primaries offer.

XML. Was thinking about something more the 2A.

If I’m not mistaken, 2 cr123s will actually be more then 6v if they are fresh of the charger or new primaries.

I’m looking at using one of the hosts from cnq.

Fresh of the charger they will be 7.2-8.4 depending on what chemistry you use. I know primaries are 3v but I’m sure new they are a bit more but never tried.

lomahy, you’re in the same boat as I am. Short of modding sense resistors, we’re apparently out of luck for a 17mm buck driver that can manage even 1.5A stock. That said, I’ll let you know if I find anything worthwhile.

Did a little more searching and this might work.

However, its out of stock.

This is a very interesting driver. The first I’ve seen with voltage regulation on-board as well as a current limit that high. Very cool. Wishlisted for now, wait for some stock.

Haha, I bought the last one from the batch two days ago. This driver is very rare. I saw it only on KD and DX where it is out of stock for a long time. I hope it will be on stock, too.

As others have pointed out a multi-mode multiple cell driver is rare. One point to keep in mind is that a driver rated for 1A @ 8.4Vdc is equivalent to 2A @ 4.2Vdc. That said the first place I know of that carries such a driver is Lumens Factory, but they don’t sell just the driver you’d have to buy a whole drop-in. All the other current drivers that fit the OP’s needs are much larger than 17 mm.