Once I clear it with the boss lady, Paypal will be on the way. 25.50 For Magnet, NW, and a Claw unregistered post. You sure you can't cut me a 0.50 deal on the claw ?
These all have the glowing ring around the optic right?
Id be interested @ 23 USD with non-registered post.
I will take a CW with claw and magnet.
I'm in for two NW glow dot
Yes, there are glowing O rings on the head.
12 now, if i count right.
Great. Thanks for the response Ric. I think the magnet with the glow ring head is the best of both worlds.
One with glow dot on tail, NW + claw. Thank you.
NW + Glow Dot
Please let me know if this is still available and what is the current price (with registered mail)?
Ric, I'd want to add myself to this group buy.
Do you have some defective unit left? (misaligned emitter, old xpe hew emitter, bad color tint) that you can sell me at a reduced price? (driver and other parts must be working-not defective).
I'd want to go as cheap as possible since I already bought two of them and I swapped emitters to XPG on both.
For this reason I don't mind if the emitter is misaligned or bad color tint or old xpe hew, because I'll swap it.
If you don't have any defective unit to sell me, I'm in for one CW, no registered post, no claw, glow dot (23 usd or less if possible)
Thank you so much.
What is the status of this group buy? Is 20 items reached or not?
I think we need more buyers.
If this is available for $23 (non-registered mail), I will take one NW (+$1) with a magnet = $24.
We have to have 20 buyers for 27 dollars/each with registered post. So it seems this deal wont gonna happen. SELLER decides it though...
I have interest in 1-3 depending on pricepoint. If it gets under $25 for a NW + magnet, Ill take 3.
Email inquiry sent :) I'll be taking 1 or 2 NW w/ magnet if the price inc. shipping is right ;)
(Right < 25USD aka dirt cheap)
e. Paid for 1 registered mail NW w/magnet + claw Tue, 01/17/2012 - 22:40
from cla***2@hotmail.com (sorry, forgot to add my BLF username to message)
I'm in for one or two if we can reach the 23/unit mark. NW with magnet please. :D
First post here CPF member same name since 07
Welcome, Bullpup !
Welcome to BLF, Bullpup.
I'm in for one plus two claws if we get to the $25. I have the AAA version and it's a great light. Excellent quality and very bright.