I’ve got all the new components in, so it was time for the next mod on the modded DQG! :partying_face:
New parts:
20 AWG wire (18 was too thick for the center hole, too lazy to drill it out…)
BLF X6 Attiny25 driver (Banggood)
Atmel Attiny85 (ebay)
First I flashed Narsil to the Attiny85.
Then I desoldered the AT25 from the driver.
You can see, there is quite a size difference in the MCU’s
I added solderpaste to the driverboard
I bent the AT85 paws in a little and reflowed it to the driver, with my soldering iron.
Then I soldered the 20AWG LED wires to the driver.
Connected the microswitch to AT85 pin #2 and ground with thin silicone wire this time.
I’ve never been so happy with 2 blinks, the first sign of Narsil functioning. :+1:
After the first assembly, the switch came loose. So I glued it in with Sipik.
Then I soldered the LED wires in place. At first I got a short between the - Driver to LED wire and + on the noctigon. I added kapton tape to the top of the driverboard and solved the shortcut. - touched the copper heatsink and caused a short somehow :question:
Thereafter I reinstalled the GITD tape, originally installed in the DQG.
The light switches off! All works very nice. I love this firmware! Thanks Tom E, awesome job
The moon on level 1 I really like. It is so low! With the UT-210E I can allmost not even read the difference in moon vs off(parasitic drain).
Makes it a nice locator light at night. Lowest moon mode I’ve ever seen, love it.
In the picture below, moon is actually on!
I changed the temperature stepdowm delay in Narsil to 1 Sec. The light is way more managable now. However at 13.5A on a 30Q battery it still gets too hot to hold in about 10 seconds.
I’ve put a 3400mAh protected NCR18650B in it. Now its way more managable, safer and has higher capacity. And still stupidly bright :person_facepalming:
I use mode 4 with changed setting (moon+) 1-10-35-100.
@Firelight2, the thermal paste did solve the desolder problem. Now with 20AWG wire as well, I seems very oke.
So no need for other solder I guess.
Mission accomplished!
(for now :person_facepalming: )