DQG VII Ti eating up orings

I got this awhile back when I got the discount coupon. I think it was for black friday. When I first got it, the oring ripped almost immediately and I put it away for a few months because I forgot it came with spares. I took it out the other day and installed the spare and today it ripped again. Any way to solve the problem? I thought this issue was fixed on the second version, feels like I threw my money down the drain.

not knowing the Light…

are there any sharp edges?
does the ring “roll” over the threads?

Perhaps some careful filing will keep the threads clear of the o-ring.

Often read about DQG problems. They don’t seem to test out their designs properly. Did you contact them? That is a manufacturing defect to me.

The DQG has a reputation eating o-rings!

A bit of silicon lube might help?

I figure it’s too late to contact the seller now, it’s been awhile. It’s hard to see whether the threads are coming down onto the Oring although I think that may be the problem. This dqg has the Oring cut lower than the threads but maybe tolerances are off etc.

I think I’ll try getting the threads with a file or sending it off to get another Oring slot cut even lower.

could you please upload some pictures?

if you own a android phone try “cozy magnifier” to make “microscope” pictures :wink:

On my AA’s, the fit is so flush that the head can catch the o ring on the way down. I just carefully work around the head with my fingernail to push the oring under the head after it contacts but before tightening down. Lube helps. Also, a trick I learned from Match I think is PTFE thread seal tape. I put some just over the oring and bottom threads. Adds to water resistance and helps with sliding.

Gee, a DQG light eating up O-rings, how unusual. :slight_smile: Seriously, it’s one of the most common problems with them. The quality control with DQG lights is always hit or miss.

I have a DQG Tiny 18650 light and it tears up both the head and tailcap O-rings and tried everything to solve it but in the end, I had to remove all the O-rings just to use it.

I’ll see if I can get any pictures in the coming days. Busy/tired with work.

I’d run this without an oring but the head sits too loose and could potentially unthread itself. I don’t want to lose the head. Might try some of that PTFE thread seal tape although I would prefer a standard oring set up.

I actually keep the O-ring there and just put a layer of the PTFE tape over the o-ring. It helps keep it in place and gives the head a smoother surface to slide over on top of the o-ring.

Edit: Also I do a little fine sandpaper on the head’s edge to make sure there are no obvious rough spots.

> PTFE tape
Great suggestion, thanks!

I notice some “O-rings” are round cross-section and some are a flatter oval, so they fill the groove completely but don’t stick up as far. Anyone know where to find those for sale or if they have a special name?

ALL of my DQG lights had the O-ring tearing issue and I finally found a solution.

I took a very small wire brush and vigourisly brushed the inside and outside threads like crazy. Then I thoroughly cleaned the threads…

I applied a liberal coating of FLUORINATED GREASE to all of the threads. I then installed a new O-ring which I had pre-coated with the FLUORINATED GREASE.

Problem solved and they all turn firmly but smoothly and no more O-ring tearing.

The problem is the head having more threads than the body so the oring sits too out. I used a dremel to grind ~2mm of thread in the head and now it works great. If only the oring sits 2mm lower this wouldn’t be an issue.