Driver question/idea

I was looking into the different driver models: buck/boost, linear (AMC7135)
My results:

- linear regulator should suck (since they drop the voltage by burning it off) but are quite good because the voltage of a single cell is close to the one needed (3.7v - 3.4V)

  • buck converter should be better but you loose too much energy in converting it

so my question is why not simply put in a mosfet and regulate the output with pwm to max. 3.4-3.5V?
does the resistance of the led change that much when it gets hot?

I realized i made a stupid mistake :8)
I can’t measure the output voltage with the controller ADC since it measures the input relative to supply so there is no way of knowing how many volts there are absolutely.

so i need a way of measuring the absolute voltage, or how about a hall-effect current sensor to measure the current actually going to the led?

Yes the Vf changes as the led heats and is variable with each individual led. This is why we use current controlled drivers instead voltage regulators