One thing I'm constantly asked is "When will you do some light reviews that are more budget-friendly?". Well, I've been presented with an opportunity, courtesy of DX, to review some of the lights they carry but given I'm not as familiar with this segment of lights I'd like your feedback/votes.
While I reserve the right to decide which products (from those voiced) are selected for review, it will still need to be cleared with DX for final approval. Regardless that the reviews will be sponsored, the usual disclaimers will be in place between me and DX in that I reserve full rights to say whatever I feel like about the products reviewed and I will not accept any edits unless something I've stated is incorrect (e.g. specs, pricing, functionality, etc).
So which lights would like to see reviewed? Given time constraints, I can only do so many reviews so please select only those that you truly care to have reviewed and not a general wish list.
I got the offer too, but there was a list of lights included. I picked a short list of 6 of those lights. They said they would pick two, but wound up picking one and it was out of stock, so there will be a delay. Classic.
On that list was this one, an updated version of one of my favorites, the 1xAAA stainless Trustfire XP-E F23, now the Aurora SH036 with XP-G:
They sent me a list of lights as well to chose from and review. Looks like we all got different lights to choose from. My list was mostly bike lights, headlamps and diving lights. the remaining were older Q5 models except for the ZY-T08 and UF-2220. I chose the zy-t08 because one, I've been jonesin' for one big time, and two, because Tmart is sending me a UF-F10 (tk35 clone) to review and i want to do a comparison.
As a cyclist, I think the ratio of bike lights reviews vs torch reviews is a little off. I’d love to see some more bike lights (or head lights) throughout reviewed. For instance:
And I’d also vote for some colored LEDs, red, green etc…