I just bought this light. It supposed to be new, and looks like from the outside. But the board looks like it has burned path. It works so it wonders me even more…
I just bought this light. It supposed to be new, and looks like from the outside. But the board looks like it has burned path. It works so it wonders me even more…
Welcome to BLF Arczi256.
The soldermask (blue paint) just looks stripped, maybe a tool slipped on it during assembly.
Looks like solder from spring shorting with ground
Well it’s stripped right next to the batt+spring, but is it shorted ? Bad stuff would happen if it was unless the short was very small with relatively high resistance.
If OP has a DMM then continuity can be checked between batt+ and GND (the stripped part and the outer ring)
Hi thefreeman and everyone. Sorry i didn’t say hello at first.
I measured the continuity and one side of burned path has connection to spring. Other does not connect to spring or to outer negative ring.
I took a new photo: CLICK
Yeah makes sense, this stripped part is different from the GND zone all around the driver and looks directly connected to the spring. Anyway this is a cosmetic problem.
For me it looks like shorted Vin+ to Vin- and burned track in between. Why it somehow works? To see full picture need to see other side. Maybe some caps only connected to that burned track…
But this path is no longer one continuous path. It has to serve some purpose. I don’t know if i should repair this or leave it as is.
I see thst i have to desolder wires to get to inside. I have to sort this out with the seller first. Then repair.
So basically i gave it to my friend. He repaired this burned path. Flashlight works the same. I don’t know if its some dubled path or something…
It looks like a lifted copper pad from over heating. It looks to me that someone did a bad solder job.
Image link copied from OP’s post.
Yes copper was lifted from temperature. He had to make bridge from copper string from wire.
It was shorted HERE
Solder blob was shorting positive terminal to the lettering on board…
Does anyone repair the Fireflies E07? One of mine just stopped working. I’m in North Carolina, USA.
Yes, Artiet59 is very familiar with modding Fireflies. Shoot him a message, he can help you out. And he is pretty reasonable IMO. I’ve had a few emitter swaps done by him.