I was excited when I first heard about this light, and I was even more excited when I got it in hand.
As a stock stock, it’s an incredible value. Gearbest has had them for under $15 shipped, which gets you a very high quality finish that matches EagleEye’s reputation. It comes with a simple driver that tops out at 1.5amps, which seems brighter than you would expect. For that price you also get a built-in microusb charger that appears to be of great quality, like the one in the EE X6R was.
The nicest thing about this light is that the driver and the charger circuits are completely separate. That means you can perform a driver swap and still keep the built-in charger.
Here are some measurements and pictures of the insides:
The charger board is 17.25mm (not counting the little centering tabs).
The driver board is 14.5mm.
The pill cavity is wide enough that you can probably fit between 15.25mm-15.5mm for the replacement driver.
The stack height stock is 7.75mm
The height room for the stack is 9.25mm (adjusted for the pcb sitting on the shelf)
Really nice 3.5mm+ tall (yes, tall) retaining ring with 3 full rows of smooth-turning threads.
It takes a 16mm mcpcb.
My mod.
I put in a FET+5 TripleStack Driver that was made specifically for this light to use the existing pins on the driver and clear all of the components on the bottom. The driver runs Bistro TripleDown. I swapped the emitter to an 5A tint XP-L HI on a Sinkpad. It also got an Illuminated tailcap with blue and green LEDs, and a clip and AR lens from Simon. I also have an 18350 tube on the way to me now. So with a little time, I have the BLF A6 body style, the updated Bistro driver and XP-L HI from the X5/X6, an updated illuminated tailcap, and a quality built-in charger, all-in for ~$25 in parts :partying_face: