The Eagletac D25 mini series with XP-G2 is up for pre-order.
I just finished getting the whole series in XP-G...damn! Luckily I was mistakenly sent a D25LC2 clicky instead of the D25C2 mini I ordered. Since I already had one, I sold it and preordered the D25C2 mini XPG-2.
The D25C2 mini being the shortest in length of all the two cell Li Ion Eagletacs with that beautiful deep carry pocket clip that's screwed onto the tailcap is an EDC winner in my books.
I really like my XP-G2 Quark mini AA , so these Eagletacs should be pretty sweet.
You’ll have to post some pics when you get it
I think i might have to get the D25C clicky in XP-G2. I was going to get the XM-L, but i’m tempted by the XP-G2
Maybe six inches. I doubt there would really be anything perceptively noticable. The outer diameter of the head is only 20mm. Nothing is going to touch the clicky XM-L on Li Ion…770 lumens. It screams. I still don’t know what there is to gain.
XP-G2 will "look" brighter because of its brighter hotspot. if you ask me, the D25C Clicky (aluminium edition) with XP-G2 will be the finest :D (and drop me a note for a good price shipped on it, i am mr kreishill).
I found a place taking pre-orders for the clicky XP-G2. I know my D25A XM-L goes into direct drive with 14500 and starts heating up. Good for five minute bursts to be safe, but how would 4.2v affect an XP-G2?