I won an auction on eBay today.
One minute after winning the auction, I received this email from eBay:
“Hi xxxxx,
The seller canceled this order due to the following reason: I’m out of stock or the item is damaged.
You don’t need to do anything else.”
I call bs on this.
I’m pretty sure the seller saw the winning bid of the item, and it wasn’t very high, so he cancelled the order.
I think this has happened to me once before, but I’m not sure.
If the seller re-lists the item, I’m going to contact eBay about possible shenanigans.
Yep, it happens all the time. Sometimes it’s from large ebay stores who find the sold item damaged or out of stock and sometimes they just don’t like the final winning bid. You kinda get use to it on ebay. They will sometimes have two or three different store fronts trying to sell the same item. It’s more effort than it’s worth sometimes.
I use to complain. Doesn’t do any real good though. Plus I am not very good at playing a victim. Specially when there wasn’t one. Been happening since the beginnings of ebay.
Okay, in that case, I won’t bother contacting eBay if the item gets relisted.
I think this has only happened to me twice, but I’ve had plenty of other issues with eBay sellers.
I don’t think I’ve ever been ripped off in the long run, though I have had plenty of returns when I have received items that are different than the eBay listing.
I’ve seen them do that a few times. I used to complain but nothing ever happens. About all happens is the seller will shut down their store and reopen a new one under a different name.
Pretty sure that some people bid up their own items too. Sure, it’s not allowed and they can probably tell if you do it from the same IP address. But I’m guessing people use VPNs and make brand new accounts using visa gift cards and whatnot. Just seems like an amazing coincidence that my max bid always gets reached even on niche items. It’s almost like some of them can see the max bids. Maybe there is an API bug that allows the data to be mined somehow.
Most frustrating for me was I won an auction. Before I even received my item, some guy wanted what I won. Contacted the seller. Seller gave the guy my contact information. Guy used it to email me he actually won, but the server didn’t update. He demanded I: give up what I had won, leave it in its shipping package, overpack it, and ship it to directly to him - all for free. I ignored the guy’s email demands. So the guy contacted customer service who gave the guy my phone number. The guy was relentless. The guy’s ‘compromise’ was that he would ‘allow’ me to have it till I got a chance to look at it. I had to have my service provider block the guy. So he had his mommy call. Told her because of her son’s behavior, I gave away the item. Heard her son in the background demanding her to make me tell where I gave it. Told her to tell him, “Go find it”.
That pretty much put me off of eBay. Can’t remember the last time I bid on anything. Haven’t missed it.
I like eBay, though of course it’s not perfect.
It takes more effort than ordering from an established store, but there are some deals to be had on the bay.
Thats pretty crazy. both seller and the kid … idiots. I wouldn’t of even picked up the phone but if i did by mistake i would have some choice words for him and mommy.
You should of bought a lotto ticket, you found the idiot trifecta
Wouldn’t let that put me off ebay not that i use it much anyway