Edc 2AA

Aidez-moi a trouver ma lampe edc ideal 2AA , fenix e20v2 ou acebeampokelit 2aa? J’ai besoin d’une bonne autonomie, solidité, self defense (kubotan?), jolie faisceau si possible?!

Acebeam Pokomon. Tres bien…

Hello, the characteristics of the fenix e20 seem superior to me, projection/ autonomy/ solid rear switch/ size… why prefer the pokelit??:smile:

Anyone else want to jump in? That was the extent of my knowledge of French, and the Pokomon is the only mentioned light that I have.

No one to advise me ???

Huh… my French must have gotten much better, as now I can read this. :joy:

I don’t have the Fenix so I can’t compare, but I like the Pokomon because of a few reasons.

First, it has a nice smooth clean beam that’s quite floody and thus much much more useful to me.

Second, it has a nice stiff switch that doesn’t accidentally turn on so easily.

Third, it’s a forward-clicky, ie, momentary-on, so I can flash momentarily if needed, without having to full-click all the way.

Last, it only has 2 modes, low/high, always starts on low so there are no bright surprises lying in wait, and if you want low, it’s always there, and if you want high, you do 2 activations quickly, either press+press for momentary, or press+click for solid-on. It’s a quickly learned response to using the light, especially if you use it regularly.

thank you for this answer, not easy to find your edc lamp, too many choices…

For 2AA, you could grab a Convoy T4 and add a jagged bezel. I wouldn’t use a flashlight as a kubotan, but anything is better than nothing. “Lunette dentelée en acier inoxydable pour lampe de poche Convoy T4”

1 Thank

thank you, I looked at convoy, a little too big and I’m looking for a simple interface, 1/2 or 3 mode. no strobe…

If you need a simple light, Pokelit 2AA would be the simpler option. For something with more features, the new Wurkkos WK05 might also work.


I forgot about the WK02, probably because I don’t have one? I remember they were on sale with some really nice colors, like coffee-brown, etc., and I wanted one, but don’t think I ever got one.

But yeah, it’s Highly Regarded.

I rarely use AA-based lights except maybe around the house.

sold out…I’m also looking for a headlamp, I think I’ll look at armytek elf c2, it seems versatile, headlamp/edc…