Looking for trim EDC chinese folder, something just under the size of Ganzo G704. I will carry this a couple days a week to work and on evening walks and weekend errands. Probably won’t use it much but just want to start carrying.
Both the Enlan EM01 and SRM 763 seem to have good reviews and are in the size range I want. I am also going to order a Ganzo G704 at the same time in case I want a larger knife but pretty sure I want something smaller for EDC.
and…is Exduct the place to order these knives? I saw a lot of older posts referencing that site. That said, I am starting to appreciate our smaller vendors and US based vendors
I used to carry small knives, now I just carry my Enlan EL01. Ive used Exduct many times, they ship fast to Oklahoma (for a Chinese vendor) I get them in about 14 days without fail.
althought in german, this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8XUqAqyY-g
the guys shows thee difference between the SRM763 and the SRM LB763, basically, the LB 763 has aluminum handle scales, the 763 has G10 or something very similar.
I can’t find the dang shopping cart at Exduct! I added something, viewed my cart, then continued shopping and now I can’t find it to check out. Maybe I need to go to sleep and try again tomorrow.
they are so inexpensive, you will just end up throwing them into “the drawer” and never selling them… the 763 is a really nice knife. very small, but very nice. I have several. I dont know why.
Navigate through Exduct website in one web-browser tab, keep your cart in another tab that you will refresh each time you will add a knife.
Or navigate through Exduct web site in one web-browser tab and open each knife in a new tab, then add each one to your cart.
Or add anything to your cart and open the following address at the end: http://www.exduct.com/View-your-cart-content.html
The EM01 is a very nice little knife. You won’t be disappointed, the fit and finish is amazing. Looks and feels like an expensive knife for sure.
The SRM 763 is a favorite around here. I have both the G-10 and aluminum versions. The aluminum feels like a better knife but it is slightly heavier. The G-10 version is one of the few Chinese knives that is truly light weight. Depends on how much ultralight weight is improtant to you. Neither are heavy at all.
The Ganzo 704 I own has some blade play when locked up. It’s not one of my favs because of the vertical play.
I simply love the 763 with G10, perfect grip and very light, and as jacktheclipper said the bottle opener is a cool plus.
Just a side comment, Wahoowad, you shouldn’t making comments offensive like this around here
Reselling a 763 is a sin and it’s again the forum rules. You would be banned forever from the internet :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
The Ganzo 704 is my favourite large folder. I reprofiled the edge short ago and it’s even better. About where to buyu, well, Exduct guys are very professional, but fasttech just started and they already carry mostly SRM’s with free shipping.
I have the 763 in both G10 and Aluminum, and recently acquired the EM-01. I’m not going to beat around the bush: I hate the EM-01 and want to get rid of it asap. Small handle, thin liners that feel really cheap/weak, no gimping, and mine has misaligned liners/scales (liners are proud of the G10). I feel it is the worst of all knife purchases I have made so far, the much bashed Inron MY803 even feels better than this thing. I’d have a hard time even relating it to the EL-01, it only shares similarities in looks but stops there.
The (G10) 763 on the other hand is now my EDC, and has been for some time. It has replaced the 710 as my EDC due to weight and the low profile. It is light enough that I sometimes forget it is clipped to my jeans and worry that I’ve lost it, only to check and see it’s still clipped on. Axis lock on it is beautifully smooth, and so far dust and pocket lint has not managed to foul the smoothness (I have cleaned it with a cotton swab and rubbing alcohol recently though).
The bottle opener feature has also proven useful with import beers.
SRM LB763 - great ergonomics, just something about it feels right. Glad I got the aluminum handle model. I received the Ganzo 704 2 weeks before the 763 arrived so I got used to and appreciated the full size of the Ganzo. The 763 is smaller but I think it will become a more frequent weekday EDC and the Ganzo weekends/hikes.
Ganzo 704 - another very nice knife. Nothing cheap about it other than the price. A nice handful of solid cutting machine. My first Axis lock and I like it.
Enlan EM01 - same size as SRM LB763. A nice, light knife. Too nice to give away yet will be overshadowed by the 763. At $7.50 it is crazy to not buy it.
Enlan Bee L01MCT - I like the looks of the tanto blade and red handle and couldn’t help myself :party: . Another full size folder. Feels solid and capable. I plan to keep in the sunvisor organizer in my truck.
So thanks for all the tips and I’m very happy with my purchases. Now I just need some stuff to cut! I have pledged to actually use these compared to many prior knives that I liked so much that I resisted using them and held out for something truly worth dulling the blade. I live such a safe and sedate life that my biggest challenges are cutting open another package! Maybe I need to take up whittling S)
Oh yes, I recommend Doing Outdoor if they carry anything you want. Bill has always been the fastest shipper for me from China and with good communication. I’ve noticed he might be a buck more expensive here and there but getting things faster is well worth it. Exduct was weeks slower.