Editing POSTs from the old site.

Went to one of my old POSTs and don’t seem to be able to edit it.
Easy to edit POSTs created today on the new improved BLF.
Am I missing something?
I’m new to this hosting software. Still learning.
All the Best,

Hi Jeff, no you’re not missing anything, it’s just disabled by default to prevent the sort of spammers that post “Thanks great post!” and later edit their posts full of spam. Your account would have automatically been upgraded within a short period to allow you to edit old posts, but I just manually enabled it for you.

1 Thank

Thanks sb.
I think the new site will be great as we “new” users figure out - the err - “ins and outs”
Eventually enough BLFs will have amassed enough tricks and some one will put out a “how to” set of threads.
Sure took me less time to figure out how to deal with images here as opposed to the old site.

The only annoyance I see is that linked videos that could play in the old threads are now just a URL. Now that can be fixed by re-linking edit in the old thread - if it’s even worth the bother.

Congrats. I’m sure this was a major pain in the butt to accomplish.
I, for one, have enjoyed the BLF so much over the years of lurking and finally joining. Looking forward to many more.
All the Best,

1 Thank

Thanks Jeff for your kind words and for being reasonable at adapting to the change!

Could you give me a link? Most of them actually are playable / embedded right here. I still have to run a long maintenance task that will finalize a few aspects of the imported posts, among them making picture and video links show the full thing directly embedded in the post. There could obviously be a few oddball links that won’t work though.

Over on the off topic chatter and the YouTube Videos thread are many links to YT videos that used to be able to be viewed in the thread.
Like this one of mine that linked to a viewable video. POST # 475

Should show two videos.
I’m sure this will all work out eventually.
All the Best,

Tried it in FireFox and Edge on a Win10 PC.
No joy - for watching inside the thread.
I’m sure you have lots of fires to put out. Just keep stomping. We understand the effort this must take.
All the Best,

1 Thank

Thanks Jeff. Yep, those will mostly all start displaying after I run a maintenance process, it will take about 24h to complete. Meanwhile I manually refreshed those two posts in the Youtube Videos thread so you can see how it will look.

sb, Works for me now. I see them.
All the Best,

1 Thank