Efest IMR 14500

I see a lot of praise and recommendation towards these little batteries, but I can’t seem to find them at any of the normal vendors. I see listings at a few stores, but I haven’t heard them mentioned here.

Anyone know where to grab a couple of them?

A little bird told me RMM will be getting them in. No ETA on the shippment from efest tho.
Guess you would like them sooner?

Sanyo UR14500P looks better in HKJ’s tests for up to 1A. Efest for over 1A.

Just saw the reply to RMM’s thread. If I can find a place to get them here in a few weeks that’d be great; otherwise ill wait on RMM’S shipment.

I haven’t heard about the Sanyo’s; ill have to look into that, thanks.

Efest are better for over 1A tho. :zipper_mouth_face:

Here’s were I got mine
2 for $10 shipped
eBay link
But when RMM gets them in stock I’ll buy from him even if there a few dollars more

Thanks, didn’t even think to check ebay for some reason.

Yep no prob
These are version 2
They work great in a maglite mod with a dummyloop

Wow, looks like a nice option for my farm of SK68 clones.

Sk68 will deplete a liion cell until it is dead, better use protected in them

SK68 output drops with voltage, which in the past was easy to notice. Not sure how much of an issue it might be.

If you're looking for more serious power, AW IMR14500 is the only way to go! With a Qlite installed, stock at 3.04A potential, the Efest delivered 2.60A while the AW gave 2.99A. So my Efest's are backup to the hotter AW. :)

I just checked a sk68 with a cheapo trustfire, 2/$5 shipped as I recall, 1.79 volts, but it was also visible dim when I turned on the light. I just needed to remember which lights have Lion and which NimH. :wink: