Is there an official name for this damn disease I just caught, that makes me want to buy every host on the Solarforce site, drop coin at Kaidomain and DX for new drop-ins before I even get the ones I’ve already ordered, and toss perfectly good flashlights I already have in a closet?
Just what I need. Yet ANOTHER silly hobby that I have no time or money for.
Welcome aboard calan. Hope you have a great time here. You found a great hobby for your background. Lots of challenges most folks are unaware of going on in portable lights (thermal, electrical, optical, chemical, aesthetic, etc).
I spent the 1st half of the weekend researching night vision devices, and ordered my first one (why, I have no idea). And since the stupid mail takes more than 4 hours to deliver a package from eBay, I randomly picked up the UF 502B that’s been sitting on my desk for two years and said “hmmmmm”.
Possibly too late, but before you drop a bundle on drop ins and hosts (old school now), read awhile and see some alternative means of making lumens, crazy lumens in pocketable packages.
502 sized triples. Similar sized XHP hosts pumping 4k lumens etc.
Creating the account. Had to come up with a password that was more secure (caps+numeric+punctuation) than most financial sites.
Thanks for the site and welcome!
Not a bundle, but a “little”.
A couple of cheap 504B hosts from DX
an L2M body, L2T head, belt clip, and a couple of extra fwd/rev switches from SF (bad, BAD website. I already see it causing me trouble).
a couple of 17mm forward clickies for (hopefully) my existing 502b’s from IO (another bad, BAD website)
a couple of NW drop-ins from IO
a couple of cheap eBay OP reflectors for my existing 502b’s
and finally…
the 365nm UV and 940nm IR modules from eBay…that started this mess.
So to recap…
This night vision stuff looks like a lot of fun (30-year old army flashbacks not withstanding); let’s see what’s out there these days. Hmmmm, everything has an IR emitter that is too visible. Let’s upgrade one of these here unused 502b’s for a 940nm IR beam. Hey…while we’re at it let’s get a UV module too, so I can walk around the yard at night looking for glowing critters, and prove once and for all that the house isn’t really “clean”. And while I’m here in China, I wonder if they’ve come up with any bigger/badder LED drop-ins in the last couple of years?