Electrolumens Search & Rescue Extreme VS. BTU Shocker

These are the two lights I am comparing for my next purchase. I would love to hear pros & cons… Which you would prefer & why?


Do you have a HID flashlight yet?

I have a bad habit of sitting around clicking my lights on and off… Isn’t that detrimental to HID?

BTU shocker, seems like pretty good quality and better throw than the ST90.

To say a 85W HID?

Well I believe a TN31 will out throw both the BTU Shocker and the ElectroLumens SST90. I’d bet money on it.

And I can tell you my YEZL 50watt HID will beat my best TN31 measured at 115,000 lux(measured by ma_sha1 on here) very easily.

We shall see. My brother just got his BTU shocker in last week and should get his SR90 back this week and I have my TN31 on order so not this weekend but next we will see. I just wish we had a TK70 & TK75 to throw in the mix. Lol.

BTU head will be very similar to your TK70. I don’t think you will be amazed by it unless you are want the 3 minutes turbo lumen of BTU.
BTU price of USD150 or USD180 is quite high, many on BLF have voiced out about this but some early owner got it at USD150 and think it is worthy.
ST90 is one heavy light but throw or light output is not as good as I read some complaints before. It seems to be related to batteries used as it is direct drive.

ST90 is like collector limited item. It might not be a pro to you though.

If what you want is a thrower, since TN31 price is lower, some say they got it below USD139 by offering price on Ebay, it is definitely worth a try to get it at let’s say USD119. It is smaller and lighter and throw better than your TK70.

Out throw my TK 70 ??? BLASPHEME!!

Just remember what we learned in my thread about the TK70 vs the TN31. The TN31 does out throw it. But the TK70 can appear to beat the TN31 due to its wider beam and lighting up more of the nite air particles along the way to the object being lit up. But there is no doubt in my mind now that the TN31 is the winner.

You will never convince me … Sorry… can’t go there…

I have bidding on a TN31 all week…. Not because of being brighter…. But because of it’s size…

Dale I know better.


We will be doing beamshots on all 3 lights at multiple distances. And we willl be doing real life throw measurements to see how they do. I already verified my SR90 will peak right at 700m. I figure both the BTU Shocker and the TN31 will be in the 650- 675M range. But who knows. The TK70 is rated to do 700m, so the BTU should do as much or more considering the same basic head but about 800 more lumens. Though from my measurements on the BTU’s lux is just slightly under my SR90.
So what is the TN31 suppose to get on lux?

The Tn31… so I only need a HID, The electrolumens, & btu shocker… One sec, my wife just passed out…

Well the last one I bought form ma_sha1 on here said he measured it at 115,000 lux. And if that is true it should give the SR90 all it wants in throw according to what selfbuilt has the SR90 listed at on his lux meter. But his light meter has been calibrated. But he has his SR90 sample listed at 113,500 lux. And the TN31 he has was listed at 112,800 lux.

I don’t think a triple XM-L is going to out throw a good single LED with a pretty good size reflector. Single LED’s seem to be the way to go for ultimate throw. That’s been my findings as well as others who have a lot of lights.

Of course meters are all a little off here and there, and testing methods vary. But my my SR90 tested in the 138K range. My BTU tested in the 120K range. Havn’t got to test brothers TN31 yet. But the 110-120K range your saying sounds about right. I figure it and the BTU will be very close, just slightly trailing the SR90. But barely I’m sure. I have a 35W HID with a decent sized reflector that we will be running with them too. It tested right at 200K when tested at 1m. But we never tested it at 5m, 10m, etc. I’m sure it’s numbers will drop at those distance. At least I assume it will because last time we broke the big boys out the SR90 spanked it. Looks like that HID peaks about 600M, but I haven’t officially tested its peak. But it tested .3L at 500 yards vs .6L for the SR90.