Picked this up over the Black Friday weekend. Powerflare is the king of these things, but charges about $60 (made in the USA). Lots of other imitations. This one is very nice. 9 modes, rechargeable battery, magnet on back, several charging adapters. Very sturdy, can be run over. Comes in amber/amber LED, blue/blue LED, or red/red LED. Most modes run for 15 hours, one blink mode will run for a claimed 100 hours. I paid $19.95 and got free shipping. Every flashaholic should have one. It’s a FUN light……
Looks nice. Very bright?
very visible at night. Doesn’t put out a lot of lumens but the modes are wild. Powerflare is the original company. They have one that runs on a CR123. Google Powerflare. Aervoe is another company that makes a good one. Amazon has a lot of them. Here is a link to one of the better ones that I almost bought:
they claim the best battery. Look around, lots offered everywhere. Here is the link to the one I bought:
Thanks for the video saypat. I noticed that you power point was very terrified.
I just have to got one of those for my toaster.
Thanks for the info
Different colors
can anyone help me on the interpretation of this?
From the ebay auction
10 miles?!?
excellent price. I have not seen any other than the original Powerflare that uses a CR123 battery. Looks like a good one.
here is a cheapie, but then again it has good reviews, and claims great build quality (drone delivery?)
Sorry for the confusion saypat. Your power outlet on the wall. There is 3 holes in it. The top two look like eyes and the bottom hole a mouth, to me it looks like a scared face.
I will shut up now.
I wanted one for a long time, anyone tested one of the cheaper ones from china?
I’m also interested. This is the first I’ve heard of this!
Led Power Flares is best partner for safety driving at night. It make your car seen and safe.
We are led flares factory from China.
Winfys, one might have been okay. Three might have been okay too if you had something unique and constructive to say in each post. Instead you make posts that beg me to click the spam button.
Well, you seem to have edited your post which is good, or the other two have been tagged as spam. Hopefully it's the former.

Winfys, one might have been okay. Three might have been okay too if you had something unique and constructive to say in each post. Instead you make posts that beg me to click the spam button.
Well, you seem to have edited your post which is good, or the other two have been tagged as spam. Hopefully it’s the former.
Spam, but well placed spam, perfectly on topic. He either has an amazing automated posting system, or this poster is a genuine Ninja.
I accepted your suggestion. So, I delete the other two and keep the third one.
Thanks. As said, it's on topic, and someone actually asked where to get them, so it's a good post. Your site also provides a lot of specs I haven't seen before. Welcome to BLF.