To De-Dome, or to not De-Dome… That is the question. Opinions please…
I would, but first I would have to buy one. ;)
Throw it in the oven and flame it up first.
Yes, do it! Want to see the best of ST90. I don’t own one though.
No way. Not a specialty light like that. You’d lose output, too.
BWAH HA HA HA!!! I’d like to kick you in the crotch… Just once…
Ya, have to consider that. I am not willing to mod high price high performance flashlight either.
The problem is ST90 is not special enough, wonder dedomed X6 out throw it or not. Dale, did you compare them?
I tested my X6 with my meter… Its doing 90,000 lux… The S&R is doing 140,000 with the dome. How much better would it be without it?
Then your ST90 is a good one, maybe it is battery causing problem to early owner. I remember someone posted on BLF he dedomed his ST90.
140k is decent enough. But I know we always want better or the best.
this thread below mention TK75 throw as good as ST90. But no way TK75 can reach 140kcd.
And here d337944 mention he dedomed his ST90.
Hey there Dale
Yep - de-domed my ST90 and it definitely narrowed and intensified the hotspot, and it also now throws much further than before, but with the expected drop in output.
However mine was one of the ST90s that was not achieving full output in the first place, and the LED also turned blue several times due to the LED board coming loose from the heatsink and overheating … I’ve only experimented with de-doming as I have a replacement LED and board on the way.
With a full-output ST90 I would personally not de-dome, as the combination of the SST-90 LED’s huge output and throw is a unique feature of the light. By de-doming you might as well have an XM-L thrower with its narrower hotspot and lower output … but that’s just me, and if you’re a throw junkie go ahead and de-dome (voids warranty obviously)!
I just sold a TK-75, which did 85K lux. That will place ST90 in the same 85K +/- range, below the throw of SR90/SR95,
This means ST90 de-domed will under throw SR90 de-domed or SR95 UT.
If you look at the reflector, ST90 is not SMO, that explains it.
Yup, as Ma_Sha1 said the reflector is not optimised for throw … more of a smooth “throwy” beam. De-doming the ST90 will definitely make a difference, but unless you can get a smooth parabolic (or customised) reflector it just won’t be able to beat the Olight SST-90 de-domed throwers (including sbt-90 and sbt-70).
I’m not ordering the light till friday. Love the looks of it… I may look for a different reflector
Dale, did you buy or own a SAT90 ? I wouldn’t de-dome it. I would be curious how it does against some of your other lights though…
Thats what I was interested with as well.
Another member on here was thinking the same thing and the only option was a custom made one and you would have to order 200 of them if I remember right…
Dale have you ever thought about the FireFox III, that would be the ultimate thrower!!!
I have a funny way of choosing lights…. Usually I Buy the
ones that catch my attention. The FF3 is a awesome light… But, it looks like a can of soda… For some reason the soda pop flashlights dont appeal to me.