Years ago I was a moderator on the Self Reliance Illustrated discussion board. It was a really neat board that covered all sorts of topics on self reliance, DIY projects, emergency preparedness and all the related topics. That board (and the magazine it was associated with) eventually went defunct. I thought that was too bad because a lot of information was lost. So I started a little free board which wasn’t bad and a few people came along for the ride. I got talking about it here one day and one of the members offered to help me with a much better board (he was a tech guy and webmaster). That went great and we had a thriving board for many years with a lot of good members and a ton of information. Unfortunately, the server that board was on got hacked back around Thanksgiving. The board wasn’t the target but it was collateral damage and went off-line. Kinda sucked…a lot.
Well, I made the decision to begin again with an even better board (phpBB) and a secure, paid server. A bit of $ out of my pocket but I felt it was worth it in the long run. So I started it up again and so far we’ve got most of our contributing members back and posting strong. Nice to have a fan base. It always seemed to be a hit with many folks here so if it’s of interest, join up or simply lurk.
A range of topics on BOB’s/EDC’s/GHB’s as well as DIY projects, hunting, gardening, hiking, camping, research and resources. Ways to make water safe to drink, start fires, defense, gear and all sorts of stuff like that. A lot of stuff that is simply yet could help mitigate an emergency or even save a life.
I love the prepper topic, the better prepared people are the more secure the nation, and the people are stronger, more confident, and better prepared to help and restore their communities and neighbors to normalcy and calm.
So, you’re saying that the earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, power outages, loss of employment, and other emergencies I’ve actually experienced were all just my imagination? Truly, your intellect is dizzying.
Emergencies are a constant part of life, try living in California or the Gulf coast, or getting snowed in for a week or two in the Midwest, or Alaska, Florida, or being self employed and hitting a bad stretch.
Living in USA seems to be hopeless than. Sad to hear that.
No earthquakes, hurricanes, floods here. Not bad economy, I don’t remember power outage longer than 30 min.
Just curious how you prepare for loss of employment? Collect food stamps, blackmail your boss, marry rich or…?
Being self employed my preparedness stock kept me going when work was slow or I was sick or injured and couldn’t accept work, mostly it was good for those very long slow periods where any money made went to other bills, at least my food was already bought and paid for.
I don’t think your being particularly honest. Although Poland does have a low incident of earthquakes, various parts of Poland have had six just in the last year. Additionally, Poland has a vast history of warfare. Poland can and does have harsh winters with snow in many parts, usually from November till March. Add to that regular storms and about 16% of the total forest fires in Europe. People get flat tires and they have their homes broken into.
Any and all of these things are topics of discussion on the SEP board i.e being prepared to avoid or mitigate an emergency situation though personal preparedness. Could be as simple as carrying a spare tire and a pair of sneakers in the trunk to tossing a mylar space blanket in the glove compartment.
If you don’t think common sense personal preparedness is a good thing, or of interest to many people then I don’t really understand why your posting in this thread?
My dad helped free Poland from the Germans, I helped free Poland from the Russians, Poland does seem to have disasters even above nature and weather, plus, I hear that history isn’t over, which is a part of preparedness.
My next door neighbor is a well known polish fella. He’s close to a definition of what a prepper is, and he’s happy to be living in the states where he feels much more secure after having personally worked with the USA to free Poland from the USSR.
For myself, I woke up the other day in the early hours not long after midnight, The power was off everywhere and a strange stillness was in effect. I thought to myself: ” you dumb mother fu**er, the US Dept of Homeland security announced just a few months back that all US citizens should prepare for 2 to 6 months with no power. At the time, it didn’t make headlines and didn’t cause a stir but I reflected that I’d suspected that they had actual evidence of a huge issue about to hit the country. Yet I did nothing more or specific to this cautionary tale (I’m close to fully prepped, more than 95% more than my fellow citizens anyway). I was later relieved to learn that a drunk had smacked a power pole and the whole area was out. Whew. But yet this issue and the DHS warning remains in the background: