Emisar D4V2 - Boost + mule

The driver is not compatible with Nichia E21A, Nichia E17A, and mule versions of the flashlight.

Can someone please explain, why a mule isn’t compatible with the high efficinecy boost driver?
Isn’t mule simply the optics removed? If so, how does that anything to do with a driver?

I’ve always loved efficiency and flooders. When I removed the optics from my DQG 18650 tiny, mule really got my attention. Unfortunately a mule isn’t ideal at all times, that whay I have an additional question: Are there lights that are easy to remove and put back in the optics. With the DQG that’s quite simple but I fear a few drops of rain my kille it when open.

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Mules use 3V MCPCBs, whereas the boost driver is 12V for 4 LEDs in series.
Not that Hank couldn’t order 4SxP mule MCPCBs, but if he didnt it’s probably because there isnt enough demand for those.

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There are multiple kinds of mule. Probably the most common uses 8 3535 LEDs, where they are in parallel, so it has to be the linear driver for them to work. There is also a 16x E21A mule (also linear, same reason). The boost driver needs 4 LEDs in series, so there’s a different PCB. Hank can make a boost mule but it can only use the 4x board, not the others with more LEDs.

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Thanks for the answers.
Seems I misunderstood the whole mule thing.

I assumed a mule simply is a regular light with the optics removed.

The LEDs are also closer to the glass using a spacer to take up the space the optic would have.

Do mules really make decent light? I tried removing the optics from a XHP 70.2 HD light a while ago and it basically just flooded everywhere without illuminating anything, wasn’t really usable as a light even at full power in complete darkness.

That is exactly the point of a mule - it’s for people who want/need a very close-range (<5m) all-flood light.
There are quite a few use cases for that (photography, inspecting things etc.).

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Yup, a mule is an opticless light.

It’s not a general rule, as explained by thefreeman and wolfgirl42 the lack of compatibility relates specifically to this driver and the Emisar mule versions for reasons other than the lack of an optic.

There are spacers people sell that are the same height as Carclo quad or triple optics, so you could order a boost version and swap the optic for a spacer and have the mule you seek

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