Emisar DW4 Issue on reflash

Hi all,
I try to reflash my Emisar DW4. As always, I connect the USBASP from Hank to my android mobile with an OTG-adapter and open ZFlasher. LED1 on the USBASP is on.
If I connect to the DW4 with the Pogo-Pins, the main emitters of the DW4 light on shortly, the LED1 on the USBASP goes off and the programmer can’t be reached from ZFlasher anymore. I have to reconnect the OTG-adapter (reconnectiong the USBASP is not sufficient) to light up LED1 again.

With my D4K, D4S and other Emisars and Noctigons I don’t have this issue.
Any idea?

Does your USBASP have a jumper to select 3.3 V? When the LED blinks, it will draw so much current that your phone disables its USB port.

3 Thanks

Yes, that’s it! It was set to 5 volt and setting it to 3.3 V solved the issue.
As I already said, I never had this issue before.

Thanks a lot for your help.

1 Thank