Empty 4-8 Cell 18650 Powerbank-Cases?


I have bought 10 old laptop batteries and have some - mostly 2200mAh - 18650s: http://up.picr.de/26839792im.jpg

I would like to put them in empty powerbanks - but which ones to buy?

I have:

17 LG LGDAS31865, 2200mah, actual: 2350, 2343, 2293, 2313, 2214, 2294, 2225

3 Samsung 22F, 2250mAh, actual: 2290, 2277, 2273

4 Panasonic NCR18650A, 3100mAh, actual: 2885, 2933, 2886, 2910

12 Panasonic CGR18650CG, 2250mAh, actual: 2321, 2314, 2294, 2276, 2130, 2301, 2327, 2127, 2142, 2130, 2088, 2159

And 6 Sanyos with purple Ring.

So I would like to have 3 6-Cell Banks (12 Panas CGR, Sanyo), one 4-Cell (4 Panas NCR) and maybe 2 8-Cell (LGs)?

I don’t really need those powerbanks, since I already have 4 (3 Xiaomi 10Ah), but I would like to have some cases around these cells that are actually useable as charger and USB-Powerbank.

So, if someone knows some good (yet not too expensive) shells for that, I would be very thankful!

Thanks alot!

This would be a candidate http://m.gearbest.com/chargers/pp_246291.html

I found that one, too.

The problem that I have with that thing:
For just 1.32$ more, I get the Xiaomi 10000mAh from BangGood :confused:
1.32$ for 3 brand new, very good cells and a good case and circuit.

this kind, so you can charge laptops etc too

They make diy powerbank cases about 2-$4-5 a piece on all the Chinese sites. Most you pop the batteries in and snap the case closed and your done. The case is hard to open back up again. I was looking last night on banggood and gearbest. Make sure you get one that doesn’t need the be welded. Most dont but a couple do. They have them from single all the way to 8 shell empty case.

Keep hitting load more and you’ll see more of the empty shells available. Most have pictures from reviews on them. I have 3 tomo powerbanks and I bought one two shell one for my wife to carry with her

Some time ago I’ve bought one empty powerbank with an additional variable output (voltage). So you can use it to power e.g. 12V devices. Something most powerbanks aren’t designed to do, so maybe you can get something really useful… I’ve also tried one with a built-in led array with a metal case. Both are for 4 cells:
Both models are sold out (I’ve bought them ~2 years ago) but maybe as an inspiration what to look for…
Something important (for me) is that these two models have very low self discharge. I had much worse before.

Found a 8 cell case


I’m with you on this here, the xiaomi powerbanks are avail at too good of a price to even consider buying $10 plus empty cases. I’ve seen most of the cases in the links, but not alot of tests on them for efficiency and safety.

This is the same as the Aliexpress case, but $4.05.