I have bought 10 old laptop batteries and have some - mostly 2200mAh - 18650s: http://up.picr.de/26839792im.jpg
I would like to put them in empty powerbanks - but which ones to buy?
I have:
17 LG LGDAS31865, 2200mah, actual: 2350, 2343, 2293, 2313, 2214, 2294, 2225
3 Samsung 22F, 2250mAh, actual: 2290, 2277, 2273
4 Panasonic NCR18650A, 3100mAh, actual: 2885, 2933, 2886, 2910
12 Panasonic CGR18650CG, 2250mAh, actual: 2321, 2314, 2294, 2276, 2130, 2301, 2327, 2127, 2142, 2130, 2088, 2159
And 6 Sanyos with purple Ring.
So I would like to have 3 6-Cell Banks (12 Panas CGR, Sanyo), one 4-Cell (4 Panas NCR) and maybe 2 8-Cell (LGs)?
I don’t really need those powerbanks, since I already have 4 (3 Xiaomi 10Ah), but I would like to have some cases around these cells that are actually useable as charger and USB-Powerbank.
So, if someone knows some good (yet not too expensive) shells for that, I would be very thankful!
Thanks alot!