I like it. Sort of like an AA ant with 14500 support
I like it a lot but it is overpriced for me
low price please
I like stainless steel….but I need a discount…
It is quite expensive which is unfortunate, but I do understand it, considering the carbon fiber, copper, and brass or stainless.
Hey, a seventies cigarette lighter!
But I do like it although not my style. Especially the ring at the rear.
When I first saw the title, what went through my mind was “probably expensive”. And of course, justifiably so. It’s a gorgeous light, both the brass and SS unit. In my case, though, for fear of losing it, I’d probably leave it on the shelf. Anyway, are there output levels for AA? I’m assuming the 600 is using 14500?
We will get a better price, don't worry.
Lumintop is definitely going after the luxurious looks with classic feel. I am really hope they will come out with a gold plated version to go with the carbon fiber.
You guys prefer trit or non-trit version? I am checking the price right now.
Definitely the version with trit!
Trit version if it doesn’t cost too much extra
Based on previous model, it could be up to $6 difference.
So, the trit version without thinking
can you specify a trit color?
that would nail it for me
I would be interested if its a better price. In a silver model.
Brass w/yellow or amber trit
I’m salivating
Default should be green
can you specify a trit color? that would nail it for me
Price isn't too bad. I am get the silver for myself too.
I would be interested if its a better price. In a silver model.