Its about time for me to buy more batteries, precharge LSD seems best, but which ones and from where?
I’m also thinking of jumping on the next Staples Duracell AA and AAA free after rebate deals, too many devices I have are very infrequent use so single use Alkaline are seeming more practical options.
duraloops are good, but sometimes they can be 1st or 2nd gen eneloop cells… ive got a pile of duraloop from the target clearance a few months ago - they were going for $3.65 a pack (i think they are 2nd gen eneloop cells inside but not sure)
if you want the latest cells shipped quick and cheapest price I would get them from amazon… i paid $23 shipped for 8 of them this summer
and for us who don’t have access to Amazon, are there any far east source of real eneloop with Are these real eneloop? free shipping? I’ve been on the fence about these.
-Costco (Usually the best deals come with a charger. If you don’t need the charger the deals aren’t quite as good)
-Target clearance (although I have never found them personally, many others on the forum have) Shoppers Drug Mart (Canada Only) has regular sales on them the best was $3.77 /4xAA or 4xAAA ($7.77 sale price $3 P&G brandsaver coupon)
Then of course Amazon/Ebay etc but always the risk of fakes with online ordering.
So far best I have seen are from Amazon, but you have to wait for a deal sometimes. I’ve never seen Duraloop at Target, but don’t spend much time there. Walmart never has a great or even that good of a price for reasons I can’t guess.
Ebay I could buy from Amazon and sell at ebay prices and make a profit.
I’m also serious about the free after rebate alkalines, for some clocks and remote controls as well as cheap lights to keep in the cars.
neither energizer or duracell make their own cells.
if its made in japan and marketed as low self discharge,ready to use,ect its likely a rebadged eneloop.
if its made in japan and ± 2400mah and ready to use its likely a rebadged eneloop xx or pro.
I'd like to believe that ...I just need some proof before I plunk down my cash..:P
Lots of speculation again around this subject ...I'm very curious and very skeptical to quick unsubstantiated claims .
My experiance is there is a huge difference in duraloops and hybrid/durabrids.....other duracells made in japan that weren't duraloops sucked ...and the chinese versions sucked as well .The difference was so obvious it didn't take the proper equiptment to test them .Seat of the pants said they were not even close .
If someone is selling a real rebadged eneloop I want to know for sure . I'm actually very happy to be buying the older versions of eneloops/duraloops if I can continually buy them for around a buck . If the newer duraloops are being sold I'm happy to think about upgrading .
If they are like the energizer or rayovacs produced today I want nothing to do with them ...<< --- junk