sure will buy one if less than $100
I made that suit for way less than $100.Made a few sets in diffrent coulors.Ther only LED Christmas lights,an old work coat and trousers.I used a gas soldering iron to burn holes through the garments.Poked the LEDs through.Velcroed the battrey packs inside.Possibilitys are endless for effect and a good lark about.
We used to hide in the dark two or three of us.All wearing diffrent items fitted with the lights.One with the coat on,one with the pants on and one a head/mask.Walk out so it looked like one person in the dark.Then all run off in diffrent directions.Beleive me.Done properly it can be amazing
Nope, but heres another great video:
/edit: lol, just read your post. Nice idea and really creative to make sth like that on your own. :)
Maybe someone will try to make a 500 xm-l’s led suit with smal backpack with li-ion’s
Now that was friggin' awesome!
Well done, sir.
Thats kewl,
Ta very much.The faces on the kids and people,as they hadnt a cloe what i was upto.I hid around 200ft away in a large buch and changed.Switched the suit on and walked out in the pitch black……waw,worth the effort,had a real good lark about with the kids and people ther.Best of all raised some £££$$$ for Children in need.