Hey guys this is my build thread if i done some thing wrong let me know please?
Now i have an idea and i have the parts but i need to make it work! My build is easy i just want it to look pretty and well finished. I started a while ago but i cracked the glass on the old hurricane lantern so i had to buy a new one i wanted it to look rusty. Either way i have always wanted to build of these lanterns with LED’s
Parts list
Hurricane lantern
LED heat sink
Buck driver 3-40 volts @ 3 amps max input minimum is 4 volts
Spare switch laying around
Screws and bolts
LED choice is hard i wanted to use my XHP35 but i can not get the driver to work properly currently a XPG3
Battery holder i am using a 3 AAA holder right now
Maybe optics depending on how the beam looks
Also maybe a reflector up the top so less light is absorbed into the lantern roof
I want of this to fit inside.
This driver is being a pain it will not step down to 3 volts I wanted to use cause it looks fancy with the LCD
I want to use 18650 but this is safer for testing what work!
I need to do some cutting also i need to fit every thing in. I am thinking about sawing the bottom of and using a hinge to store stuff inside?
Optics is a pain in the arse i can n ot get the light diffused enough?
Switch and battery holder still have no home i am weighting up options first i want to get the optics fixed
I am deciding to many options. This is a new driver.
Testing with optics its not so good. Beam is to focused.
This is about 3 meters away its not bright but not dull. So what should i expect?
I tried to make this photo as realistic as i could.
Okay guys i am trying a few different things right now i am get maybe 5 meter distance round with enough light to read. So much lost light! I may wire the switch to the top and just put a cover on it. Its an easy enough project but i want it to last so i can use can actually use it. Electrical wise easy job just cant get the beam right. The problem is if i cut some thing to fit the batteries in it has to work because i don’t want to buy a new lantern