Everyone Should OWN A GLADIATOR

Everyone Should OWN A GLADIATOR :bigsmile:
Have you ever watched the “FLADIATOR” Movie ?

I like this one a fight more than a light.brother of L2X,but longer and harder. :heart_eyes:

Use it to light,also fight.

Wide voltage:1~4 18650
size:340 x 34mm
457g,not included battery,LED

Here comes the pictures.If the upload failed,pls click these links.sorry for that.

Also took some other photoes,but it’s really hard to upload,maybe next time.

By the way,if anyone can add a vibrator into it,with different mode and speed.
I think more people will enjoy it,especially girls. :bigsmile:

no pictures? :cry:

This took me a while, because the tutorial doesn’t work for me nor for my images (neither for your images).

So a club w/ a light in it? I’m not sure I’m impressed…

thank you so much for posting the pictures.

I struggled for long,but still cannot success.

it's a DIY. Seceral LEDs fit this Light.

more photoes will be shown later.

What would be the big difference between these two? This ones alot cheaper……


this one looks awesome too,and really cheap. but output is not good,for some people.

That joint in the middle of the DX lights body probably will not survive a good whack.

The Gladiator is one of the most impressive, solid lights I've ever owned. The walls of this light have to be at least 6mm thick.

The stock head is outfitted with good AR glass to boot. Add 3 dummy cells in the package, and what's not to like ?

With those pins you might not need to use it twice :cry:

The material that Gladiator uses is really good.

their website. accessories to choose from.

At least you know what to do with it if someone tells you they don’t like it … 0:)

The Gladiator is in a class all its own . . .

The other Foy approves of the Gladiator and even the much harder to please, Foy, thinks it's a superb light/stick.


You know I can buy a length of steel pipe at the hardware store JB weld a flashlight in it and have a flashlight that would break the Gladiator in half. Puny weak aluminum. Really though it’s just a club with a light. If you feel the need to always carry a weapon on you, you’re either paranoid, or a gangster.

It’s the same argument with needing to carry your gun everywhere. It’s amazing just how far people will go to have weaponry on them at all times. To the point where in the Colorado State University right now you can conceal carry as a college student, except you have to register the weapon specifically with the college, have to store it in a communal gun safe in one specific dorm, and you have to dorm specifically at that dorm with the other gun nuts. Is it really worth all that inconvenience just so you can pretend you’ll be a hero should someone throw down. Even in the recent shooting in New York there were civilians hit. The statistics show that even trained police officers only hit their target 1 out of 5 times, and these guys are trained and regularly practice shooting. I’d be scared the outcome of civilian gun nuts trying to play hero shooting more bystanders than bad guys.

This isn’t in the same league or category as a gun, I’d rather have this in my trunk over a baseball bat, cause it serves two purposes. A light and I can prop the hood open with it :stuck_out_tongue:
If there are those SHTF moments, your going to arm yourself or run. That’s what people do (fight or flight) your just adding to your options with the Gladiator.
Nothing wrong with being prepared, the likely hood of something going down is pretty slim unless your out looking for it, in which case common sence is out the window.

Has anyone done a runtime Test with 4 batteries?

Not a runtime test, but some calculations are mentioned in my review: "The KD XM-L U2 3-18V drop-in takes about 0.5A from 4 x 18650, allowing something like up to five hours runtime on high."

Holding a legally permitted pistol just above my lap kept me from being a victim when a large pickup pulled up short in the middle of the road to block me - the driver starting walking back with his hands in his coat pockets thinking he would tower over me and put a muzzle in my face, while the passenger in the truck slid over to take the wheel . . my convertible was the prize, but it was obvious this was a committed team and I could have easily been shot if the guy hadn’t been surprised first.

No shots fired - as he approached he saw he was dead man walking if he took another step or any action . . pulled his hands up in the air and backed off with a knowing look in he eye to turn and run back to his cab. I reversed and turned around in a one way street to get away before he could settle in and figure out what to do. Nobody else saw any thing except he and I because my gun was held below the window line and his was left printing in his windbreaker pocket. Fortunately as he approached he didn’t have his muzzle in my direction and the coat was too tight for him to turn it as he realized he had lost the element of surprise.

Where does this fit in ANY such rants or public stats people love to argue about? Why is it such an inconvenience to prepare and defend one’s own freedom and that of other citizens against criminals who don’t follow laws? Who is part of a community solution and who is just sucking oxygen while creating more inconvenience and criminal opportunity? Things that make you go hmmmm . . .


What's impractical about carrying a Gladiator? Fits handy, right in your pocket. If it were this giant, long and heavy aluminum tube, then it might be impractical.
