What do you guys think of Exduct. The reason I ask is because I bought a Ganzo from them through their Aliexpress shop. The transaction went well and the Knife arrived pretty quick, so I ordered 3 more for friends. The problem is Aliexpress cancelled my order do to ‘my bank have risk’ whatever that means. But now Exduct don’t seem interested in allowing me to re-order. I had a $5 voucher which I asked him to re-issue. But he is ignoring me.
The problem I have is normally I would buy from Fasttech but they are, in this case, quite a lot more expensive.
So what is Exduct like, am I wasting my time with them?
Another option would be, that you buy from exduct.com own shop - sometimes the products are more expensive as in their Aliexpress shop (I don't speak of special promotion on Aliexpress).
A long time ago, Exduct was active here in the BLF and it worked well, but after a longer time the service goes dwon and it was hard to get a response of Exduct. Exduct wrote, that they were extremly busy.
I think it's a little bit of a lottery game. Your first order worekd well, now there are some problems. Maybe you should contact Exduct again and after 3-5 days without response, search for a new shop.
Which Ganzo do you want and which is the price of Exduct?
I have bought quite a bit of stuff from China over the years and the only time I have had trouble with a package has been from Exduct. To be fair I have had everything else ordered from them over the years arrive though. What bugged me a little though was that I never got the sale resolved properly.
Exduct was one of my favourite stores but then the prices went up and the service down.
A couple of examples of the price difference.
SanRenMu ZB-681, a small knife but a good one, $6.55 at FastTech and $18.99 at Exduct.
Enlan EL-01D, tough knife with rosewood scales, $18.56 at FastTech and $28.79 at Exduct.
Also at Exduct on many knives you are asked to pay a Dollar or more for the little extras like a proper box or cloth bag that is included in the FastTech prices.
I don’t think that I’ve ever had free shipping from Exduct, he usually “recommends” upgrades to the postal method for “my country”, on the other hand he was always willing to tighten pivot screws so the blade wouldn’t open by shaking the knife and getting confiscated as a “gravity knife”.
He’s very wary of shipping to the U.K. even though I’ve said that I will bear full responsibility for any knives that go astray.
I think this is the issue, I understand he has had claims made via PP when goods were taken by UKBA. Can’t remember where I read it, might have been on one of the knife forums. Don’t blame him really.
Not many shops offer the G720 at the moment and the Exduct price with the $5 voucher is the best. Without the voucher the best price I found for three G720 is $20,38 each / exduct $20,60 (Blade Forum Aliexpresss Shop: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Ganzo-G720-B-Big-Folding-Knife-Multi-Tool-Window-Breaker-440C-Blade-G10-Handle-w-Draw/32264499823.html ). You should try to contact exduct agian and if this doesn't work pay $4 more and use the other Aliexpress shop.
I’ve never had one stopped at the “border” that I’ve bought from Exduct yet every time he reminds me that larger knives are a problem for customs. Once the knives are shipped I consider anything that happens at the UKBA to be down to me, I’d never claim on paypal and I’vetold him that countless times, I’ve just about given up. If he has a knife in stock that I can’t source elsewhere I’ll buy from him otherwise no. The $15 per order is what finally does it for me, at the moment he has SanRenMu 7010LUC-SA’s for $7.99 no good if you only want the one knife.
Have you tried the other methods of contact. He seems to read the “Comments” section and answers regularly, there is also the option of raising a ticket. You might have to be logged in to do these though, I can’t remember.
I have had a message back from aliexpress, they want copies of my passport, drivers license and bank card. So I have kindly told the to jog on. I am spending 40 quid ffs! Plonkers!
Have you tried to pay through Alipay Wallet too?
According to the description you can transfer money to your Alipay Wallet account several ways then you can pay for you orders through this service (like Paypal).