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Oslon W1 + Samsung LH351D
I’d say E21A 2000K/4500K if you want it to function like a mini LT1.
Osram W1 6000K and LH351D 5700K/3500K if you want throw/flood combination.
I ordered a few unusual tint rampers recently but will be a week before I get to play with and test them…
I ordered an e21a 2000k x osram yellow k9.3,
An osram yellow x sst-20 red d4sv2
And a w2 blue x sst-red d4sv2.
I’d like to see what the “cyan” on a Hanklight blue x green emitter combo looks like before I buy one. Ideally it would be around 485nm but I can see it coming out more 510nm mint green or 460nm electric blue…
Interested to see how the cyan goes!
Mine has 2700K and 6500K SST20.
I’m quite pleased with it.
I never actually use it over 5000K color temperature, but having the widest possible color temperature range between the LEDs should decrease the DUV the most when used at a color setting in the middle.
How does turbo work with the tint ramping? If you put it on turbo do both pairs of LEDS got to max output? Or is it weighted based on the currently selected light temperature?
Actually… I have one Osram blue + green incoming… Combined with two SST reds in Ch2. Got inspired by someone to try the RGB and went for it!
How does turbo work with the tint ramping? If you put it on turbo do both pairs of LEDS got to max output? Or is it weighted based on the currently selected light temperature?
Both channels go to max output.
Note that in the D4v2 max output depends on which emitters you chose when you ordered the light as that determines what firmware the light ships with. For firmware with the FET enabled, the FET only applies to channel 1.
How does turbo work with the tint ramping? If you put it on turbo do both pairs of LEDS got to max output? Or is it weighted based on the currently selected light temperature?
With the Sofirn IF25, it’s weighted based on the current selected light temperature
Reading that list made my pants fit differently.