Before I throw down a chunk of change on 3-400 cells, I just wanted to gauge interest on the two batteries mentioned. They will end up being $5-6 each without shipping to you.
Just my 2¢ but I would not do it. Many battery prices are coming down and I would hate to see you get stuck with a couple thousand invested in batteries.
Now if it was a pre-order type of thing that would be different, OR if you could get the supplier to break the order up over multiple months then that would be different.
yeah. unless your talking <$2 a cell I’d say quickly forget this idea… unless you need most of them for some incredible project. especially since there is a whole wave of cells coming along from LG, Samsung, Sanyo, and Panasonic that’ll likely obsolete these within a couple of months.
Less than $2 a cell??? There are no new quality cells for that price. These aren’t used pulls, they are new. At $5 each, they would already be about $1-2 less than you can find them anywhere else.
Nevermind, I’ll just scratch the idea if everybody wants $6 cells for $2
25R is selling at ~$5/pc with international shipping now. The only reason that people will still buy from you, is probably because they do not want to wait for a month to deliver.
I’m not trying to be an a$$, I’m just saying unless you are getting them for dirt cheap (yes, less than ~$2), then I don’t think it’d be worth the hassle and risk buying that many when you can get them for as low as $4 now.
True. With BLF discount it’s $10.50 for 2 25R’s at fasttech. But they are older cells and take a month to arrive. Only thing I can offer is faster shipping and guaranteed authentic new cells.
Point made. I’ll just forget the idea. Just thought I’d try to offer something to the community.
Your heart is in the right place but we have all seen people reject a deal over 50¢ and batteries will be no exception.
I doubt the high drain batteries would be obsolete but the prices are coming down quick. Maybe because newer batteries are coming, Maybe because there is plenty of inventory in the pipeline. Don't know. I would just really hate to see you get stuck with a bunch of inventory
This is probably a good move on your part to just
forget about it ! Save your $$.
Zkevin will sell the them to you for $3 ea plus intl shipping
the guys in San Jose, California will sell them to you for $5ea free shipping if you get 20. see
Maybe you needed some but I am sure you had a line on this also but data points dont hurt.