Fend off Wolf attacks !!

Check out this bad boy! No more wolf attacks here!


I know the subject of what flashlight to use when it comes to wolf attacks comes up almost daily so someone finally made one specifically for the purpose! I would be willing to bet it would be just as effective on Large dogs and Dingo's.

Oh dear.............not another How to fend off Wolf attacks thread..........lol

Thanks for the link! But I'm usually so busy rescuing martins that I don't have time to worry about wolf attacks.

ohh man thanks the link. I needed an anti-wolf flashlight so bad. Couldnt get it locally

Good thing I'm a nice wolfy!

Talk about a beam pattern...


It looks like a snowflake. And with the obvious 'quality', I'm sure no two are alike.

i could take out sooo many wolfs with that POS

actually i like it - if it had a dead wolf on the side.... mmmm

the assault crown of death is the best though , i think they draw the line at wolves too keep it realistic

the BEAR and LION editions are 2 1/2 Feet long ! with shocking tips n poision darts and it spins , ooooohhhh

That, of course, is by design, as no two wolves react alike Wink

Nope... won't work with kangaroos.

You'd need the spring-loaded bezel version to keep up with 'em.

"Mitsubishi ATTACKS head"

Zombies OK, but Wolfs ??; totally unrealistic

and it would actually would be an effective bayonet for a rifle

Who needs strike bezels when you can just HULKSMASH?

This light claims 4 hours run-time. My Solarforce's run about an hour on high and about 4 hours on medium on an XP-G led at 320 lm.


Is there a way to estimate run-times for this light based on the advertised specs.?
