Fenix First Global Flashlight Design Contest

Not sure if posted before, just saw this :slight_smile:
Fenix First Global Flashlight Design Contest

in plain english…
dear suckers…you can help us design a nice light but we’re not guarantee we will pay you for it
happy design :stuck_out_tongue:

so… they finally realized their tk76 looked horrible and they want us to fix it for them

+1 :bigsmile:

…and this is what happens when everyone is ripping off each others designs, rather than striving for perfection and achieving excellence via innovation :wink:

PS, someone should enter a 2D M@gl!te clone for shits and giggles :slight_smile:

If you think MAP is bad, this is J)

Fenix can hire their own patent lawyer if they are going to produce the light . . now boycotting Fenix lights.

nice chance for flashlight enthusiasts :bigsmile:

Fenix is now on my do not buy list as well. There’s other things in the legalese I don’t care for. Thanks gottazoom for encouraging me to read the fine print

Anybody gonna turn an entry in?

LOL :)!! [For your P.S.]

This is exactly right.

Official Rules:

#4- The intellectual property right of all designed works from contestants shall belong to the Organizer. By submitting an Entry, you agree that your submission is gratuitous and made without restriction and will not place Organizer under any obligation, and that Organizer are free to use the ideas without any additional compensation to you.

In other words, Fenix is asking to hire you into their R&D Dept., but will pay you peanuts (and a certificate of merit- LOL), while they potentially make millions of dollars off of your ideas and designs.

i bet even the designs of non winners will get used by them