I’m sorry, just looked it up on UK amazon……45 fricken quid for an xp-g r5 light? No thanks, not when I could get a uf-980l for less, not have to put up with strobes and can (and have) build up an edc using an xm-l, nicer hidden strobe current controlled driver and spend 20 quid doing so to end up with a shorter, brighter light.
The convoy brand edc lights at fasttech are easily a better buy, the only reason for paying for a fenix edc is if you absolutely have to have fenix on the side of your edc.
If you bought this thinking you’d payed for a pocket sun, hence the premium, you’d be very very very upset to find your mate flashing around even a 2.1a xm-l t6 3c, never mind if said mate went for the hotrod 2.8a xm-l u2 and sod the nice tint (for what its worth, I did this when I built my first edc, when my fasttech order arrives, u2 comes out, t6 4c is going in, much nicer tint imo).