FENIX PD32 UE Repair

Hello all!

Does anyone have any idea about whether or not I can personally fix my FENIX PD32 flashlight at home? I am not finding to many details in my search. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you,


Shouldn’t need to, Fenix has a good warranty program. When a buddy dropped and killed his they sent him a new head right away. I think you have to register first but other than that it seemed to be pretty quick.

Mine is outside of the 5 year warranty period, and the UPS/FEDEX shipment costs to China are anywhere from $118-168. They wanted me to send it back to them, and I chose not too. They asked if I wanted a used flashlight to replace it, I refused because I have a rail mount system that this was sitting in. That is why I came to this site.
If you have any input on how to repair it I would be glad to take it.

Modding flashlights is not my area of expertise. I’d take the used one since it’s probably just a return. I have bought a few returns from them and have no complaints.

Is the used light offered free? if so why not take them up on the offer, seems like a pretty good deal if thats what they intend so you wont need to ship old light back and generally Fenix lights in the PDXX range that run 18650’s will fit in the same mount you used with the PD32.

I had the same model with the same problem, driver cut in jalf. Fenix sent me PD35 head instead of repair. UE has lifetime warranty BTW