Fenix,Sunwayman,Nitecore,Thrunite,Olight, everyone..

All of you manufacturers, even the ultra-budget brands, you need to offer a neutral White, High CRI, & Warm white, option with models of all your lights. We are all getting nauseated & bored of all the horrible bluish-cool white tints that make us feel like we are color-blind because of the zombie-color rendering of your lights. (also use only CREE leds, not the cheap latticebright leds.
Just saying.




+100 cri

Yeah this!

Yeah we need the neutral White, High CRI, & Warm white Lattice Bright options :smiley:


neutraaaal whiiiiiittteeee

Absolutely! * thumbsup *


5000K NW :slight_smile:


imagine one offers every possible tint cree makes

but they are not the brightest. cool white is up to 12000 lumen from one t6 emitter from my 5500mah turdfire 18650!!! MOAR POWER


Out of few lights that Im waiting to arrive 5 could be in need of LED swap, but will see about that when they start to arrive.
One comes in neutral white(Skilhunt H02) and two Manker Boney’s are cockroach lights so I wouldnt probably bother with replacing their 5mm LED’s. Another one is glowstick kind of light so no need for LED swap there and two more are headlamps that come with red LED’s so not sure that tint of main LED would be major point.

If not for major discounts on those lights, I wouldnt even think of replacing LED’s on them, but for the price I paid I might as well invest a little bit more for neutral/warm tint.
Now, imagine paying full retail price of 50$ for a new light and then another ~10$ to replace its LED, that doesnt make sense to me.
Make that light 15-25$ and suddenly its much more attractive idea :D!

So yeah, tint options from factory, be it either high CRI, warm white or neutral white, would be very welcome!

Most people can't even understand our need for a flashlight. When you say tint ...their eyes get all glazed over . so forget High cri lights or NW tints ..how about a bacon flashlight . or one made from cheese .

give us what we really want

- everyone needs a gouda flashalight