Well after way too long lurking and reading through the various posts I have decided to make an account and poke my head in here for a few reasons and questions that I have not been able to answer yet.
I have a bunch of lights already including
Ultrafire WF-502B that is old and beat up (it is basically my backup to the backups backup light anymore).
a small pile assorted cheapo knockoffs from DX or other places
a Nu-Flare Rebel 90 that decided to dedome itself. (got it for “free”)
Lightstar 220 that I need to fix (it powers on if it wants when it wants, pretty sure that the driver has a bad connection)
and a rather large pile of assorted Coast/LED Lenser lights (most of which are recombined or worse)
a “blackhawk” Xenon P60 host which is unfortunately almost entirely plastic. (got it for free due to bulb failure)
as well as a light that has gone on a walkabout which is what actually brought me here originally but that is for a different thread.