One of the two storey, terraced house nearby was on fire, I was awaken by the siren from the fire engine.
Without any delay, I grabbed my Apex 5T6 NW & walk to the area, hoping to provide any aid that needs flood of lights (it was around 2AM in the morning/ midnight)
Two fire engines were there & some fire fighters were rushing in with hoses thru an alley to cover the back of the house, while another team with articulating booms cover front part & roof area.
The back alley doesn’t have any street light, after I saw some fire-fighters equipped with small 2AA & single 18650 thrower light, ranging from Cool White to Incan bulb, without any delay, I switched on High to provide an area lighting.
I heard one of them were yelling “oi ! come closer & shine up second floor!” “OK ! Coming” I stand further in with 5T6 held high.
Fire were blazing out from the roof, some fire fighters charged thru the backdoor & continue to fight the fire from below. It was a fiercesome one.
Just when I shone back & forth at the alley for them to sort out & connecting additional hoses, I heard them yelling again “oi ! light ! shine shine!” quickly I reacted.
After around an hour plus, fire were under control, thick smoke were around the area, luckily a tad of wind blew it away, while continue I stand there.
Flashlights were shone around the area, some neighbors with flashlights went back to change battery & come back to the scene, while some saw my Apex, they switch off theirs.
At one time, I heard some fire-fighters were talking about flashlight behind me, “hey, u switch off your flashlight, (clicked off) u see, his flashlight provide a whole bunch of lights”
Then he walk by & take a peek “Looks like 5 leds, 5 right ?” he asked, “Yes, it is 5 leds” I answered politely.
“You have been provide area lightning for us since we started to fight this fire, your flashlight is really good!” I think he means runtime.
“okay okay, done done, pack up pack up over” captain were on the talkies, continue I shone at the alley for them to pack up, roll back the hoses, water splitter connector etc.
Two of them tap my shoulder, one of them said “hey thanks buddy, good flashlight u have there, to have an area lights really help in this alley, in this time”
So glad to provide a little help, but compared with those brave souls, they’re really the unnamed heroes, which come to my respect ~