I’m looking to make my first flashlight. I currently have a convoy m2 and I’m looking to make 1x18650 battery light that has more throw. It seems that the C8 style would fit this need. I was looking at the convoy c8 host, but with reports that new style may not have a removable pill and be harder to work on. I want a 5a driver on this. I’m a little confused how the stars on the drivers work. The led I was planning on is a XM-L2 or XP-G2, but other suggestions are welcome. I’d prefer to get all the items at the same store if possible. On another note I have a soldering iron, but might not have the right tip on it. Any helpful tips on soldering would be much appreciated.
- new convoy C8 has removable pill, just like the old model, but it is slightly larger, accepts 20mm star…
- if you just starting it would be better to avoid “5a” or even above drivers, that is a bit overkill, you get more heat than light…
- you mentioned stars so Nanjg 105C it is, you bridge solder the star and ground ring and you get different set of modes. But Nanjg 105C (hard to find it now, it is being replaced with 105D that has no stars) is ~2.8A so you will need to add quite a few curent regulators, how are your soldering skils?
- XM-L2 will work at 5A but it will work just as good on 4A with less heat. XP-G2 will spontaneously combust itself at 5A
What battery do you plan using?
- P.S. DTP MCPCB is must for everithing above 3A
It seems 3a is more reasonable. The only experience soldering is soldering 2 wires together.The soldering was not pretty, but it worked. Battery cells I own are Panasonic ncr18650b, Sanyo UR18650A, Sony US18650GR, LG LGDAS31865. My goal in this project is to have a new light that I put together myself that has some customization that isn’t found on a factory light.
XPG2 would be better for throw, XML2 has more output, can stomach more amps.
To get something not commonly found on factory lights you’d have to use a nichia 219 (high color rendition) or cree MTG2 (higher output, requires 6V driver, expensive).
Read an SMD soldering guide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZB82Z3pFOo
That youtube video was very helpful in how to solder. Any advice on a cheap soldering iron with temperature control. The nichia 219 led sounds like an interesting idea, but I think all save that led for a more floody light. If the c8 light project turns out good. My next project is modding a AA/14500 or another 18650 light that is more floody than my convoy m2. I think i’d prefer using the nicha 219 for that light. I think i’m going to get a 7135*8 3.04A driver and a XM-L2 U3 2A led.