First Experience Pulling Laptop Cells - Disappointed

So I get a hold of my first "dead" laptop battery pack to pull cells from (a Dell) and this is what I find inside:

Argh! I'm so disappointed! Oh well, I've got some more coming my way soon.

This pack was awful to get apart to get to the cells! There is no way I could re-cell a pack like this! I destroyed it getting it apart.


is that from a mac?

i did that. once.

haven’t had much luck w/ regular packs either though (ie 90% of cells were junk).

garry, if you don’t want them I’d be happy to take them off your hands as I’m after some more lipos to make a power tool pack. I can swap for tested salvaged 18650s if you want, I have plenty of those :slight_smile:

I’ve salvaged 3 laptop batteries so far, 2 of them have gotten me 18650s, but one was these prismatic cells. Not sure what I’m gonna do with them yet either.

dthrckt, this was a basic Dell laptop about 5 years old.

Sending PM


awesome Garry, thanks for the that. Donation dropped into your karma jar :slight_smile:

don’t give up though, salvaging laptop batteries is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get!

Pulled 8 green Sanyo ICR 18650:s off a Dell-pack at the electronics-bin at work, all above 2.5V, yiihaaw! :slight_smile:

Opened up my old Toshiba Qosmio:s pack, 8 Sony cells, 7 at 0V and 1 at 1.4V, crap! :frowning: