Disclaimer: SAOPRKLER sent me this light for free (because of a GAW) and imposed no rules on me on what or how to publish anything about the light. Consider this more of a collection of impressions, given the fact this is the first time I “review” a flashlight, plus I don’t have an integrating sphere or an Opple to conduct proper measurements the way they should be done.
.The parcel that in 14 days travelled most of SE Asia contains a (sand colored) light, a manual in Chinese and in English, a 5000 mAh SAOPRKLER 21700 cell, a one-bay charger and an USB-A => USB-C charging cable. The front lens was protected by a transparent piece of film. The battery was protected by a piece of plastic to prevent accidental activation of the light. The light itself is a bit longer than a Convoy C8 (150mm vs. 143mm), but the head has a smaller diameter (35.5mm vs. 43.5mm) which gives it a bit more portability. Total weight of the Cyber V2 is 190 gram, 21700 cell included. The weight of the C8 is 210 gram. 30Q included. The SAOPRKLER looks and feels very capable. At least there was no low-budget feeling on my side.
After removing the protection from the battery, I pressed the reverse clicky tailswitch and … nothing.
A bit of shaking confirmed the body (tube) of the light was too long for the battery to touch the driver spring in the front AND the stub in the tail section at the same time. So I put a drop of solder on the front spring and removed 0.5mm from threads on the the body on my bench grinder.
The tailcap looked as if it had a press-fit switch, but the looks were somewhat obscured by a black disc. Under this disc housed a switch combo like those of the classic Trustfires, Fandyfires, and Convoys C8’s with a pill. The black Omten switch sits on a 20mm PCB. Being open for inspection I took the liberty to give it a 20 AWG spring bypass.
About the included cell. I noticed at least one more wrapper under the SAOPRKLER wrapper, so I thought it would be safe to look under it. Turned out the included cell was an EVE INR21700/50E. Not bad at all. The included cell arrived a bit low in voltage, so I put it into the included (generic/nameless?) charger. This was not an on/of process. On my Rui Deng I could see that the current lowered during the charging process, until is was a few mA just before terminating. Then I put the fully charged cell in my Opus and Vapcell analyzing chargers and they told me the terminating voltage was a fraction under 4.2V
I know people are interested in what happens at the business end of the light. As stated earlier, I don’t have the equipment to share reliable information about that. In the coming hours I will try to add some information I can obtain.
Edit: Added some information about the included charger.