First quad build and want to run it by all of you...

I have done a few high amp triples, but never a quad!

I am getting ready to start on a quad build, I am going to use a solid copper P60 machined dropin that is designed for the Carclo quad optics. I am considering building a FET based driver with a 7135 kicker for a good moonlight mode and will likely use A6 or Bistro firmware. The driver will be built with a copper button on the driver for battery contact and a Solarforce L2M and will braid or dual spring the tailcap. The driver will have a bleeder resistor for a lighted tailcap as well.

LED choice? I am thinking 2 XP-G3 3 bin hi cri and 2 XP-G3 5 bin hi cri LED’s for this build. If I could get a hold of 4 Nichia 219C 4k hi cri emitters I would go that router. I have considered using the H17f driver to throttle the DD mode, since it uses a slightly higher resistance FET. I am a little concerned about the current draw with 4 of the Nichia’s. The only drawback that I can see with the H17f is that it only does forward mode switching, I would really miss the reverse mode switching.

I know that this will build heat fast, will be copper foil wrapped for a perfect forced fit. I would eventually like to find a Cryos Cooling head for it, but that will have to wait.

Opinions, thoughts or concerns?

Thanks Matt

:wink: Wear a glove.

Honestly though, a quad in a copper pilled L2M should be not much worse than a triple copper pilled S2 in terms of heating, both will get hot fast and require stepping down. Either a turbo timer or temp sensor can accomplish that.